The transfixion of light and dark


The transfixion of light and dark' (2018)

-site specific -silicon casting, ciment fondu, silica sand, builders sand, fiber glass; (200mmH x 150wmmW x 450mmL) x 30 figures (15 natural and 15 slightly oxidised), Sculpture on the shore, Auckland

Shadow cannot exist without light

Just as wars are fought to hold on to peace

It is a paradigm which humans cannot escape

This balance insists that it needs to be part of us, nature and the universe

 ‘The awareness that we are all human beings together has become lost in war and through politics’ 1952 Nobel Peace Prize philosopher Albert Schweitzer

A reflection- contemplation on the human paradox, we have the inability to cease the suffering and violence upon each other, yet equally -we possess passion, love, compassion and humanity.


The transfixion of light and dark (2018) -Sculpture on the shore, Auckland

Shadow cannot exist without light(2017)

- Wallace Arts Center, pah homestead, Auckland